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Filing and Granting Emergency Protective Orders During COVID-19 Epidemic

Due to the COVID-19 epidemic and the reduction in staff at the Family Safety Center the following procedure must be followed until further notice to obtain an Emergency Protective Order:

  • The victim of an assault covered by the Oklahoma Protection from Domestic Abuse Act must call their local law enforcement agency and request an officer to respond.

  • The officer will then determine whether the victim qualifies for an Emergency Protective Order under the Act; if so, the officer will assist the victim in completing the Petition. The officer will then call a judge for approval.

  • If an Emergency Protective Order is granted by the judge, the victim will be given a copy of the Petition and the Order and the officer will begin the process of having the defendant served with copies. Once served, the defendant must remain away from the victim or risk arrest.

  • The victim will be given a date to appear in approximately 30 days at the Family Safety Center at the Police Department downtown.

  • The victim must appear at the Family Safety Center on the date indicated by the Order or the Emergency Protective Order will expire.

If a victim has questions, he/she may call the Family Safety Center at 918-742-7480.

If you would like to speak to one of our attorneys about emergency protective orders, call us today at 918-574-8500. Keith & Associates Legal, PLLC is here for you and your loved ones during this time and always.

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